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D2 Visa


D2 Visa

A Unique Package
Ready for Residency Application

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What is the Portugal D2 Visa?

The Portugal D2 Visa is a Residency by Investment programme and an alternative solution to the Portugal Golden Visa.

This programme leads to Portuguese citizenship and is designed to attract high net-worth individuals to invest in the economy by opening a new business or branching out an existing one in Portugal.

The Portugal D2 Visa is currently the best, fastest, and most efficient way of obtaining Residency within the European Union with benefits such as family reunification and visa-free travel over the Schengen Zone and most cost-effective path to citizenship in the EU.

What are the Benefits of the Portugal D2 Visa?

Pathway to Citizenship in the EU

Safest Country in the World to Live In

Political and Social Stability

Visa-Free Travel in Schengen Zone


Quality of Life and Healthcare System


Business Opportunity in the EU

One of the most valuable benefits of the programme is the ability to achieve EU citizenship in 5 years. You can attain residency status as soon as 3 months after you have submitted the D2 Visa application, and the passport after 5 years, at which point you can request to reunite your family and bring them to Portugal as well.

After having your family brought to Portugal, all of you can benefit the country's great public and private healthcare systems, clean air quality, and a climate offering 300 days of sunshine. Plus, Portugal is considered one of the safest countries in the world, ranking #7 in the 2023 Global Peace Index, revealing it to be the ideal location to settle down with your family. You will also be able to enrol your children in excellent schools and higher education institutions.

Before Citizenship, you, as a Portuguese Resident, are entitled to travel freely within the Schengen Zone, an essential positive outlook for investors seeking the Portugal D2 Visa, allowing ease of travel between EU countries.


Who can apply for the Portugal D2 Visa?

The D2 visa allows non-European third-country citizens to gain residency in Portugal, opening the pathway for citizenship after 5 years.

The programme is aimed at investors seeking to operate business in Portugal, offering the potential to extend within the EU and globally. D2 Visa main applicants are eligible to include their partner - marriage or civil partnership recognised by the Portuguese State. Family reunification becomes available after 5 years.

Get Residency in 3 months. Contact our experts, they will lead you through the process.

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It only takes 3 months to gain your residency through the D2 Visa

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What are the Requirements and Documents for the Portugal D2 Visa?

Valid Passport

criminal record

Clean Criminal Record

Bank account

Portuguese Bank Account

Financial Proof

Open a Company in Portugal (*)

In order to be eligible to the D2 Visa application, the investor must be of legal age (+18 yrs.) and a third–country national with the following documentation for the creation or partial or full acquisition of a company:

  • A valid passport
  • Portuguese bank account
  • NIF (Portuguese Taxpayer number)
  • Clean Criminal Record
  • Private Medical Insurance
  • Proof of Financial Means
  • Address in the Country

It is essential to include the required financial resources for establishing a new business, partially or fully acquiring the entirety of an existing Portuguese company. If the company already exists, it is necessary to provide all documents relevant to its foundation.

Our D2 Visa packages offer an exclusive service were our team of specialists assist you in the entire process, from Portuguese tax number acquisition to document management and more with our dedicated After Sales department.

Get to know more on our D2 Visa packages now, contact us below!

(*) Contact us to understand how

Portugal D2 Visa Information Brochure

We will take care of all the
D2 Visa documentation for you

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How much does it cost to get a Portugal D2 Visa?

The cost of a D2 Visa is dependent on the business you may choose to open in Portugal - and all the additional hidden costs associated with setting up a company such as business licenses, taxes, insurance, staff, maintenance, and advertising.

However, applicants seeking a faster Portugal D2 Visa solution can select a safe investment option with our specialised D2 packages which offer the opportunity to become an investor in a company and assistance in the entire process. To learn in detail on Portugal Homes D2 Visa Packages, get in touch with us today!

Residency by Investment Visas:
D2 vs Golden Visa - what are the main differences?

The Portugal D2 Visa and the Golden Visa are two different programmes to secure Residency by Investment. These mechanisms target different types of investors, though their goal is ultimately the same, which is to attract foreign capital to be injected into the Portuguese economy in exchange for Residency in Portugal.

Here is a brief comparison of the programmes:

Application Process Time
3-6 months
12-18 months
Minimum Investment Amount
Portugal Homes specialised packages require only a single initial investment

The Portugal Golden Visa program has three main investment options:
an investment of €500,000 or higher in the acquisition of units of investment funds or a venture capital fund;
a donation of €250,000 for artistic output or supporting the arts and cultural heritage;
and an investment of €1,5 million to create of jobs.

Renewal Period
D2 Visa renewal process is online and automatic
Requires physical presence in Portugal every 2 years
Government Fees
Government fees can be less than €5K for a family of 4 over 5 years
As high as 45K for a large family over 4 years
Process Time
3-6 months
Minimum Investment Amount
Portugal Homes specialised packages require only a single initial investment
Renewal Period
D2 Visa renewal process is online and automatic
Government Fees
Government fees can be less than €5K for a family of 4 over 5 years
Process Time
12-18 months
Minimum Investment
The Portugal Golden Visa program has three main investment options: an investment of €500,000 or higher in the acquisition of units of investment funds or a venture capital fund; a donation of €250,000 for artistic output or supporting the arts and cultural heritage; and an investment of €1,5 million to create of jobs
Renewal Period
Requires physical presence in Portugal every 2 years
Government Fees
As high as 45K for a large family over 4 years

Mátria is a €280K option eligible for the
D2 Visa application

The Perfect D2 Visa Opportunity

Mátria is a co-working development project in central Lisbon, 1km (0.6m) away from the famous Avenida da Liberdade, acknowledged as the Champs-Elysees of Lisbon. This seven-storey building will consist of various luxury amenities, ranging from private offices, boardrooms, phone booths, virtual offices, private members-only gym, access to changing rooms, and coffee shop, a lounge, and a private terrace.

Guaranteed return on investment

Investors can benefit from an annual 4% guaranteed return, at €280,000 investment option at a period of five years in one of the most expensive real estate sought-after areas of Portugal, offering long-term appreciation on their venture. Investing in Mátria translates into the effective creation of a business, thus paving the way for Residency in Portugal, the best alternative to the Portugal Golden Visa.

Matria Intro
Matria Map

Mátria is a €280K option eligible for the
D2 Visa application!

  • Invest in a commercial building in Lisbon centre with a 4% return per year.
  • Gain your Portuguese citizenship.
  • 82 options available for the Mátria company.
  • Optional guaranteed buyback of your investment at the end of the Residency programme.

Download the Portugal D2 Visa Brochure

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Portugal D2 Visa Information Brochure


What our clients say about us

This experience started with Kate Goucher and ended with João Bosco. It was smooth, efficient and professional. 

Zak Alaoui
From Morocco

The Portugal Homes team is very available, helpful and keen to assist and provide additional follow up information. 

Irene Babille
From Kenya

Extremely hard working professionals investing in educating their clients on a complex market

Mike Porcaro
From United Kingdom

Ryan has been extremely helpful and responsive to our questions. It was a delight to have worked with him, including Mariana, Luísa, and David as well. Very experienced team!

Marjorie Tan-Thronson
From USA

David comes across as a very knowledgeable and very understanding with clients needs. His professionalism is well demonstrated in the way he tailored the options for us based on our requirements. Very happy!

Ahsan Ahmed
From United Arab Emirates


1. Is it possible to obtain Citizenship through the D2 Visa?

Yes! The D2 Visa is a Residency by Investment programme that can lead to Portuguese Citizenship. After 5 years holding Residency, the Investor can apply for either Permanent Residency or Citizenship.

2. Will I need a Portuguese language certificate in order to gain Citizenship?

Yes. In order to have Citizenship granted, you will need an a2-level certificate. There are 2 options available: you can either taken an a2 level Portuguese proficiency exam or enroll in a language school where you will need to complete a 150-hour course and obtain an A2 level fluency certificate.

3. How can I invest in the Portugal D2 Visa?

Applicants are not required to seek out or create a company in order to apply to the D2 Visa. Portugal Homes has full service dedicated D2 packages that are designed specifically for the needs of our investors. One of our best-sellers is Mátria, a co-space located into the centre of Lisbon, with a share price of €280k. Contact one of our advisors to see how get into this opportunity.

Contact Portugal Homes now to enquire on how you can be on your pathway to Citizenship in the EU at or fill out a query form.

4. What are the advantages of doing business in Portugal?

Portugal has a prime location, offering the perfect point of entry to access to the European market. As a member of the European Union, Portugal has a strong economy while also enjoying the benefits of the single market and the freedom of movement, goods, and services. Portugal has strong international relations with other countries, such as China, India, Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, among many others.

Portugal's exceptional standing is not just international. The country has a stable political scenario and consistently ranks among the safest in the world. In fact, in 2023, Portugal ranked #7 in the Global Peace Index, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a low-risk environment that can produce high returns on their investments.

The country has a strong ecological policy, having one of the cleanest airs in Europe, together with a sustainable environment. Portugal also consistently produces highly skilled workers, a result of the country's deep focus on education. It is no wonder Portuguese schools and universities are often found on the ranks of the best in Europe.

This is also reflected in the population's English-speaking capabilities, further easing the integration of the business in the country and increasing profitability. Combining this with the arguably lower cost of living in Portugal, there is no shortage of reasons why Portugal is the perfect location, offering nothing but advantages to grow and branch out a business.

5. How is the D2 Visa renewed?

The process can be done entirely online. When it is first issued, the D2 visa has a validity of four months. During this period, the investor, or their chosen representative with power of attorney, must schedule an appointment in order to convert it into a Residency Permit. This Permit has a validity of 1 year and must be consecutively renewed up until the fifth-year mark. At that time, the applicant(s) are eligible to become Permanent Residents or Citizens.

6. Are there any tax incentives to pursue the Portugal D2 Visa?

Yes! Portugal offers a series of taxation benefits for those seeking to invest in Portugal, especially in the areas of Lisbon and the Algarve, including an exclusive favourable tax regime with several exemptions. Contact one of our experts today to find out more about this.

7. What business sector should I invest in Portugal?

The main business industries in Portugal are tourism, startups, textiles, cork, auto-parts manufacturing, winemaking, oil production, renewable energies, among many others. Our experts can properly advise you on which sector to pursue.

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