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What is Property Snagging

Once your property is complete there is a period when the developer waits for the license to be granted. This usually takes around 3 months, and is an ideal opportunity for us to snag your apartment; although it's new and just finished there are still small snagging issues that are much easier to sort out before you complete. The builders are still there and the developer is much keener to get them done before he asks you for final payment.

We are one of the only companies offering this service in Lisbon, being one of our differentiators amongst competitors. If you’re buying a resale property it is important that time is taken to ensure a snagging of the property is allowed. Depending on the age of the property we would also advise a surveyors report is completed on the building. TheAfter Sales Departmentcan arrange all of this for you allowing you to relax at home without having to fly back and forth.

Property Snagging is included for free in our After Sales package.

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