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Construir uma base de clientes que continua a trabalhar connosco

A nossa visão para o futuro é construir uma base de clientes que continue a trabalhar connosco e a confiar em nós para poderem investir em habitação

Our Manifesto

Elements that contribute to our vision


Os clientes são o núcleo do nosso negócio

Na nossa empresa temos uma equipa dedicada para olhar pelos nossos clientes e fazer um acompanhamento exclusivo.


We always strive to achieve the best possible relationship

We have good relationships with some of the biggest Real Estate agents in Portugal and if we don’t have what you’re looking for we will gladly take you to view their properties. The beauty of working with us considering such process is that you get access to the local experts but you also get our professional approach, our unrivalled After Sales service, and an unbiased view of our Consultant.


We understand our strengths and accept our weaknesses

In areas that we fall short, we employ the help of others when we need to. In the city where we are very strong, we employ the best and most experienced staff to ensure that we list the right properties in the right areas and we make sure they are priced correctly. Work with us and we will do our best to find you the best Real Estate investment anywhere in the country.

Real Estate agents can have a bad name for selling you a property and then disappearing. This is not always the fault of the agent but the structure of the company they work for. If the company doesn’t have paid staff to look after you once the sale has taken place then you're simply going to be forgotten about. Sales staff move on the second they have completed the sale and our sales staff are no different to any others; there is always another client looking to buy and as all Real Estate agents work on commission, it's common sense that their attention sways from you to their next client. This is why, here at Portugal Homes, we have a dedicated team to look after you “after the sale” has taken place, i.e., after you have made your reservation.

They are trained and paid completely separately, which means their future is dependent on your happiness as a client, and your willingness to continue to use our services. They are paid a wage but the future of their job is reliant on your happiness, which sets us apart from the rest and is the reason we have a huge amount of repeat business.

With over 24 years of experience in the Portuguese market, David & Gary have established themselves at the forefront of investment and second homes in both Lisbon and the Algarve. Their vision for Portugal Homes is to offer an unrivalled service to their clients.

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