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The A to Z for buying taxes in Portugal

As you might have seen, there are a considerably numbers of taxes that need to be taken into account during the buying process of an investment property in Portugal.

With that in mind, our guide specifically focuses on the costs of buying a home in Portugal. There are some aspects that you need to consider youself, like government costs, legal fees and if you choose to live overseas, fiscal representation services, which you can find as part of the services that Portugal Homes provides.

If you're still having some doubts or questions on the matter, be sure to watch the video further down on this page, where Portugal Homes’ Co-Founder and CEO, David Poston, elaborates on the costs of buying a home in Portugal.

Government Fees

1. IMT

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

2. Stamp duty

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

3. Registration Fees

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

Other type of costs

4. IMI

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

5. Utilities

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

6. Condominium

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

7. Fiscal Representation

In order to start renting, the property needs to have a short-term renting license associated with it. To do so, the application needs to be submitted to the City Hall, with the right documentation, including a specific communication to the Portuguese Finance department declaring the short-term renting business. Usually, this process can take one to two weeks to be put in place and successfully receive an AL Code.

During the process of this application, there's a few steps the After Sales has to follow:

Advantages of the Non-Habitual Resident Programme, with David Poston - Co-founder & CEO

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