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Employee Talks with Ivo Jorge | Content Manager

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 20 May, 2022 • Last updated on 20 May, 2022

By Portugal Homes

Employee Talks with Ivo Jorge | Content Manager
Ivo was born and raised in Portugal; he has always found himself inclined towards the realm of artistry, dabbling in creative writing, comic illustration, video & photography, and even comedy! As a Content Manager for Portugal Homes, part of Harland & Poston Group; Ivo Jorge is a key team member of the Digital Marketing Department that not only brings his humoristic charm but also showcases exceptional design skills, with over 10 years of experience in Multimedia & Communications Design. 
Ivo Jorge holds an important role in the maintenance, and improvement of all our sub-brands within the Harland & Poston Group; working closely with the entire team on content strategies, analysis, and business objectives that elevate our company to the next level! When Ivo is not in the office, you will find him working on his passion projects such as stand-up comedy scripts, and enjoying leisure time with podcasts, and swimming.


Ivo Jorge
Meet Ivo Jorge, Portugal Homes, part of the Harland & Poston Group Team Member
What's the biggest challenge you face within your job role?

To keep updated actually because digital marketing is a fast evolving sector and it operates on several channels and platforms and it keeps updating very frequently and fastly. So we need to keep on top of it all the time. Also, content management is about being on top of all the information and content that is shared through every platform and every channel we have, we use, to communicate. So whether it be the websites, our email and newsletters, brochures, our branding, our social media, it's everything. So, it's a big challenge to keep on top of everything that is shared on every channel. 

How does your work impact other departments?

Well, our department is transversal to every department of the company, actually. Because I see ourselves - digital marketing as, as the suppliers. I mean, every, every department in the company is a client of ours in the sense that we prepare all the information for them. The commercial approach of the company is absorbed and developed by our team and the content team. And we expose how every department, for instance, the after sales, we expose their services. We talk about and develop everything they do for the clients and even our team. As we are doing with this series, the Employee Talks, so we are transversal to the whole company. 

What's the best strategy to keep our clients up to date with the latest Real Estate market trends?

I would say the best strategy is probably to listen and to research. A lot. We need to listen to our client's concerns and priorities. So we talk a lot with our advisors, our team. We make the best out of the extremely qualified team that we have here in the company. So we ask them what are... the ones that deal with the clients directly, such as the property advisors and the investment advisors, we ask them what are the main concerns from the clients? We also listen when our clients talk to us directly either through email or through social media, for instance. And we also try to listen and to research for the latest digital marketing trends to be on top of everything.

How do you and the marketing team build trust with our clients online?

Well, we build trust by being informative and by being knowledgeable, by covering every aspect of the Portugal Homes and the Harland & Poston Group's branches of business. And we also build trust through our investment advisors and property advisors and through the after sales staff, through our team actually that deliver in the end when they contact with the clients what we promise through the marketing channels. 

Does Portugal Homes motivate you to go beyond what you would in a similar role elsewhere?

For sure, I mean, Portugal Homes and the Harland & Poston Group, they allow us to be creative to overcome challenges. And every team member in this company, since this is such a fast growing company, has had to apply some creative solution to overcome a challenge that appears. I mean, even during COVID the COVID pandemic, I'm sure every member of the team had to creatively overcome a lot of challenges to deliver the best service for our clients. And we were able to.

Which are your biggest accomplishments here at the company?

I'd say, I have grown a lot, both professionally and creatively, because I've always been a content creator through all my career. But here I was able to push some boundaries to solve new challenges that were put in front of me. Since I'm the content manager, I also had to develop my analytic processes because I have to be on top of the performance of the content, which for a creative person, such as myself, was a bit more alien to me. But I'm really happy about that.

What's one professional skill you're currently working on to further improve your overall performance?

Right now. I'm working on my strategic approach to content creation and also time management, because it's not only creating but also overseeing all the content that is created and has been created. So, it's a lot of time involved in this. So, I have to keep practicing. On a more personal level, I'm trying to develop some skills on UX and UI design because my academic background is visual communication and design and I need to keep on top of the new trends. So, UX/UI is an area that I'd like to develop personally.

Do you think that a culturally diverse talent pool such as we have allows to attract and retain the best talents?

I'm actually really happy that I get to work in a multicultural environment because you always learn from different people's backgrounds and stories and work experiences. So it enriches every one of us. Also brand wise, I think it's really important that the company is open to all talent, wherever it comes from, whatever their religious beliefs, whatever their gender, whatever their ethnicity, all talents are welcome.


Curiosities & Facts about Ivo:

  • Ivo has a major sweet tooth, especially for Queijadas de Sintra, where he is originally from.
  • He is a natural comedian, he even used to be a part of IMPERFECTHUS comedy skit show on YouTube.
  • Ivo is a meat lover, and according to him “becoming a vegetarian is a big missed steak”!

Read More:

Portugal, the perfect hotspot for Digital Nomads & Remote Working

Team Dynamics, the Key to Portugal Homes Success

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Employee Talks by Portugal Homes, part of Harland & Poston Group - MEET THE TEAM

Meet the Portugal Homes Team at our Employee Talks Series, here.


Employee Talks is a part of Portugal Homes - Harland & Poston Group’s marketing strategy. Our employees and their backgrounds are the company’s greatest asset, hence our belief in sharing the employees’ thoughts on working at this company shows our ability to differentiate, cultivate and promote our identity to not only candidates interested in working here, but also clients who are purchasing with us. We want our viewers to understand why we stand out from the crowd and think it’s a great opportunity for you to get to know us better.


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