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Portugal elected as one of the safest places to travel to after the COVID-19 pandemic

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 08 June, 2020 • Last updated on 08 June, 2020

By Portugal Homes

Portugal elected as one of the safest places to travel to after the COVID-19 pandemic

European Best Destinations chose 21 European countries for holidays in times of COVID-19. Portugal on the list!

Portugal, one of the countries least affected by the coronavirus, with up to 40 times fewer confirmed cases than some European countries, appears in the ranking with the four regions least affected by the pandemic: the Azores, Madeira, the Alentejo and the Algarve.

The selection of the safest destinations in Europe considered three criteria:

  • being amongst the least affected by COVID-19;

  • having implemented specific hygiene protocols in accommodation, restaurants, stores and measures such as the exchange of filters in air conditioning units, in addition to the existence of availability of masks and social distancing; 

  • being close to hospitals with a higher number of beds per inhabitant than most European countries.

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is at the top of the list, since not only is it one of the least infected countries in the world, but it also reacted very quickly with measures that kept the pandemic at extremely low levels. The island of Corfu, in Greece, comes in second place, followed by Cavtat, in Croatia, and, just below, the two Portuguese archipelagos, Madeira and the Azores.

We believe that the nine islands in the middle of the Atlantic are the perfect destination for those who want to reconnect with nature, and ideal for those who like hiking, enjoying flora and fauna, watching dolphins and whales and taste local products. In addition, the Azores have a huge selection of private villas, tourist apartments and small family hotels, which are especially attractive in this period when social distancing is required.

Portugal elected as one of the safest places to travel to after the COVID-19 pandemic

The holiday region par excellence is also on the list, with a suggestion: the city of Lagos, in the Algarve, one of the most popular destinations for travellers, did not register any deaths related to the coronavirus. In addition, it also has the third “safest” Portuguese beach, Meia Praia, with almost five kilometres of sand!

So you can feel more comfortable and trust about flying to the country, Portugal has also been recognized as the first country in Europe to receive the “Safe Travels” stamp - a distinction awarded by the World Travel & Tourism Council that aims to certify destinations that comply with the hygiene and safety rules and aims to give confidence to those who travel after the restrictions to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Top 20 Safest European Countries Pos-Pandemic:

  1. Tbilisi, Georgia
  2. Corfu, Greece
  3. Cavtat, Croatia
  4. Madeira, Portugal
  5. Azores, Portugal
  6. Preveza, Greece
  7. Alentejo, Portugal
  8. Batumi, Adjara, Georgia
  9. Zagreb, Croatia
  10. Algarve, Portugal
  11. Sibiu, Romania
  12. Kotor, Montenegro
  13. Rijeka, Croatia
  14. Warsaw, Poland
  15. Vienna, Austria
  16. Bohinj, Slovenia
  17. Malta
  18. Gdansk, Poland
  19. Vilnius, Lithuania
  20. Riga, Latvia
  21. Wild Taiga, Finland

Source: Forbes


Portugal Homes emerges strong from the pandemic

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