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Private Meetings in South Africa

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 04 April, 2022 • Last updated on 04 April, 2022

By Portugal Homes

Private Meetings in South Africa

Portugal Homes, part of Harland & Poston Group is delighted to announce our upcoming Private Meetings in South Africa; our Directors will travel the country, passing through Johannesburg from May 26 to 27, Durban on May 28 and finally arriving in Cape Town on May 30, 2022.

Main South African cities.


Our private meetings are exclusive to avid-investor clientele interested in conducting high-return investment opportunities in the Portuguese real estate market, and in obtaining the Portugal Golden Visa. Our Directors & Senior staff have a wealth of experience in the Portugal real estate market and as the meet can advise you on all aspects of investing in Portugal real estate along with giving you a step by step guide about the Portugal Golden Visa Programme. This is your opportunity to receive one-on-one personal consultation on your future investment needs!

Best of all, our private meetings are fully complementary, and will cover the following discussion topics:

  • Evaluation Of Your Selected Property;
  • Valuable Insight Information On Portugal´s Taxing System And Formalities;
  • Portugal Golden Visa Programme For Investments;
  • Property Furnishing Support For Higher Rental Returns, through our After Sales;
  • Property Return On Investment Assessment, click here to calculate!
  • Personal Concierge Service With Our In-House Fiscal Service, The After Sales Department.

Please note, that all private meetings will be held in the English language; should the attendee require a translator, Portugal Homes can assist in the matter.

Book your free Private Meeting in advance, and our expert team will assist you in selecting the very best Portuguese Real Estate investment option for your needs!

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