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Portugal Homes recognized internationally for the 3rd consecutive year!

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 27 October, 2020 • Last updated on 27 October, 2020

By Portugal Homes

Portugal Homes recognized internationally for the 3rd consecutive year!

PortugalHomesAwardsWe are incredibly pleased to announce that Portugal Homes has won several awards in the 2020 International Property Awards for the 3rd year running!

Portugal Homes competed against some of the best property professionals across Europe, so we are delighted that our achievements and visions have been recognized internationally. Votes were recorded by a highly experienced team of professionals from all over the globe that covered the whole range of property disciplines, for over 40 applicants in each category.

After last year’s awards for the best Real Estate Agency Single Office and Real Estate Agency Website 2019-2020, Portugal Homes has made strong progress ever since, realistically setting higher goals for the company as well as for the teams. This year the company has won the best Real Estate Agency Single Office and Real Estate Agency Website with

Listen to Catarina Távora, Head of Digital Marketing and Communications at Portugal Homes, explain why Portugal Homes applied to the prestigious International Property Awards and how the company put the effort into winning a total of five awards ever since it was established.

Always present and committed to the client

The team grew as the business needs grew. Now with almost 50 people working in different areas, bringing their efforts together, ensures the strength of the Portugal Homes brand. Our staff is always available because working with international clients not only requires dedication but also flexibility.

The company’s Marketing Department is key for the brand’s international recognition, as it makes sure that the company stays ahead of the real estate market trends and brand expansion throughout more than 35 markets worldwide.

Our marketing acts as the first touchpoint for many clients in different countries, varied devices, and schedules, centering always on the clients’ need to learn more about Portugal and key investments in the country.

A unique key differentiating factor at Portugal Homes are the tailor-made, on-demand, market reports on individual areas of the city. With this information, clients can get a clear idea of how much yield and return their real estate investments might produce, for instance.

On top of the custom market reports, other services that reflect the company’s dedication to the client are the After Sales, the Furniture, and Private Meetings & Seminars all over the world, as well as the new Virtual Meetings, a new need due to the current worldwide situation.

Bringing to life the mother brand

Despite the current worldwide situation, Portugal Homes teams managed to stay in line with the market and clients’ fluctuations. 2020 was a year of great challenges but also great wins, enabling the company’s departments to emerge stronger from the pandemic. This was only possible thanks to our Co-Founders’ decision to transform the business into a winning company of the future, by letting the company’s values and principles guide all decisions.

We were able to bring to life and structure our  Harland & Poston Group, a privately owned group that shelters strong brands in the areas of real estate, investments, property management & travel.

The strategic opening of our first international offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), and our second in continental Portugal, the Algarve, was also a result of the growing demand of our clients, enabling us to be closer to them.

It is with great pride and a realistic sense of achievement that Portugal Homes applies for international recognition. Because we know how much collective effort is put into our work and to our clients and we think it’s fair to acknowledge those efforts and will to innovate through such prestigious competitions, as these achievements are an excellent motivational factor to continue evolving and delivering our best.


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