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From Lisbon to the World – Verónica Rosa, Portugal Homes’ Operations Director interviewed by Valor Magazine

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 16 October, 2019 • Last updated on 16 October, 2019

By Portugal Homes

From Lisbon to the World – Verónica Rosa, Portugal Homes’ Operations Director interviewed by Valor Magazine

Portugal Homes owns its headquarters in Lisbon with a view to the rest of the world. This scenery seems hard to imagine, even more with the recent real estate fever that hit the Portuguese capital city. However, it is with this luxurious sight that Portugal Homes presents itself to the market. A vision that is passed on to its clients, either private buyers or international investors.

Portugal Homes, founded in 2018, profiles as a specialized agency for private and investment properties in the real estate sector. The company has rapidly risen in an emerging market, standing on two differentiation points that explain this growth.

We have two important factors directed both at the client and the vendor. From the start, we do not present ourselves as an agency that opens doors. We see ourselves as a company to which you can turn to for any investment that you want to make. Thus, we always ask for two days with the client to totally cover all aspects of the investment in certain properties. Another essential value we have is our After Sales Department, which does a full support service to our client after he has done the investment in his property. It is very usual for other sellers to pass onto their next clients, but we don’t work that way. We continue our relationship with the client after the sale. That is what makes the clients want to keep working with us.”, guarantees Verónica Rosa, Operations Director at Portugal Homes.

Portugal Homes and Veronica Rosa in the magazine.

Portugal Homes provides rich information to both property owners and buyers

The company makes the point of delivering a just and detailed assessment of its property to the owner and to present the client with detailed Return on Investment scenarios.

It’s important that we have partners with a real and sustained knowledge of the market so that our clients can sow the benefits from our services and the partners can grow with us.

With full coverage in national territory, Verónica Rosa says that the company can find the right solution to any type of client and that it is also necessary to “diversify our premium real estate to other Portuguese cities, not only in the Capital because there are potential and wealth for that.

“We focus on listing what will generate value for our client”

Admitting that it is possible to spread the company to other business areas outside of the real estate, Portugal Homes continues to think the human capital as a vital tool for success. Catarina Távora, the Marketing Director for the company, ads that keeping the property listing in very high-quality standards is another factor that will continue to differentiate Portugal Homes from other agencies.

We focus on listing what generates return value for our client, that sometimes needs qualitative advice in several parts of the world. Our satisfaction is to qualify the client, anticipate its needs and keep its investments with us, either in Portugal, South Africa or China.

Source: Valor Magazine

Find your dream property for sale in Portugal!

About Portugal Homes specializes in investments through Real Estate and Golden Visa. We help buyers find the right property overseas, whether it be for Golden Visa, NHR, Investment or simply a place in the sun. Our properties are selected with great thought in mind to give our clients the best opportunities. We offer the complete service from introducing them to the Legal Representatives, Currency Exchange, Mortgage Advisors, Property Management, Rental and Furniture Packages along with making sure all our staff are trained to fully understand the buying process and taxes for every scenario. Portugal Homes provides the complete service to anyone looking to buy a new or resale property overseas for holiday use or as a short or long-term investment.

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