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Who are the foreign investors living in Portugal?

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 15 October, 2019 • Last updated on 15 October, 2019

By Portugal Homes

Who are the foreign investors living in Portugal?

There is a significant increase in the number of foreigners living in Portugal, according to last June's Report on Immigration, Portuguese Immigration, Borders and Asylum (RIFA). Totalling 430.000 foreign people living in portuguese lands, the country has become a multicultural home for immigrants. But who are the foreign investors in Portugal?

Origins of foreign investors in Portugal.

Source: RIFA

The study’s data highlighted the growth of more traditional cultures, such as Cape Verde and Brazil, but also a very healthy increase in citizens from France, Italy, United Kingdom, as well as from Venezuela, Bangladesh, Nepal and India.

It can also be said that investors from Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, USA, and China represent half of the amount invested in Portuguese real estate, in 2018. On average, each investor spent around 425.50 thousand euros.

What are the living preferences of foreign citizens?

President of Associação dos Profissionais e Empresas de Mediação Imobiliária de Portugal (APEMIP) says that the most sought after places in the Portuguese lands are the traditional beach areas and the historic centres of Lisbon, Porto and other cities.

Reasons why Brazilians are coming to Portugal.

The language isn’t the only reason why Brazilians keep flocking to Portugal. The political, social and economical instability back in their country are the main factors that lead them to buy a portuguese property. Since most of the brazilian population comes with their family and children, two to three bedroom apartments in condominiums are their lead preferences. The proximity to schools, social services, and work are also top priorities. Search for two-three bedroom apartments in Lisbon here


French enjoy the charm of Lisbon and Portuguese cities.


In most recent years, more than 40.000 French people have come to Portugal for the tax breaks, but especially for the history, the architecture and charm of the buildings, the sun, the sea and the amazing food.

The french also want to live in well served “neighbourhood feel-alike areas”, where there’s commerce, enabling them to walk around by foot. This atmosphere is well-preferred as the characteristics are reminiscing of Portuguese traditions. The proximity to the Liceu Francês (French School) is also another aspect when the french look for a house in Portugal. Some neighbourhoods are great to invest in like Campolide, Campo de Ourique and Lapa

If you’re looking to invest in the lively Portuguese neighbourhoods, learn more about them here.

Regarding the south region, in particular, the Algarve, they are more interested in areas near the sea, with established french communities. Take a look at the available properties in the Algarve here.


Britains come to Portugal for retirement or investments.

British immigrants can be set into two groups: the retirees and the investors/businessman.

The first group consists of couples over 50 years, looking for a second home, either to permanently live in or to spend a few months a year.

These citizens are mainly looking for properties that range from 400,000 to 1 million euros. The preferred location is the Algarve, but there is still quite significant demand in Central Lisbon and Porto. Living by the beach or countryside, with nearby sports like golf, and restaurants are their top preferences. If you’re looking to relocate to Portugal after Brexit, learn more here.

Over the last few years, a second profile has emerged; young professionals wanting to acquire properties in Portugal for investments or business, due to attractive tax benefits as well as a healthy return on investment.

The report also noted that 81% of the investors are part of the active population, with a preponderance of the 25-44 age group. See what investors from across the globe are saying about us here

Find your dream property for sale in Portugal!

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