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US investment is up, contrary to the 41% Chinese investment drop

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 23 April, 2019 • Last updated on 23 April, 2019

By Portugal Homes

US investment is up, contrary to the 41% Chinese investment drop

14 Golden Visas were issued to United States citizens who, along with the Vietnamese, have overtaken the Russians and South Africans in terms of applications.

However, in the first quarter of 2019 Chinese investment from the Authorisation of Residency through Investment (Golden Visa) plummeted by 41%.

Golden Visas for Chinese citizens netted the Portuguese State €59.6 million according to the latest information released by the Portuguese immigration and border authorities SEF. The investment from Chinese nationals compares to the first quarter of 2018 when it stood at €101 million. By March 2019, 107 Golden Visas were issued to Chinese nationals compared to 183 ARIs in the same period last year.

Investment from Brazilian citizens, however, increased by 3.3% for Q1 to €43 million with 58 Golden Visas issued by the end of March. In the first quarter of 2018, 49 Golden Visas had been issued, bringing in a total of almost €42 million.

Regarding Turkish investment, this fell by 58% in the first three months of the year to €18.4 million from 36 ARIs compared to the 81 issued for the same period last year.

Golden Visa Investment is almost €200 million, by March 2019

Regarding the list of nationalities that submit most applications for the Portuguese Golden Visa regime, the United States' and Vietnam's have risen, replacing South African and Russian applications which were in the Top 5 12 months ago.
In the first quarter, 14 Golden Visas were issued to US citizens with a total investment of €9.4 million while 12 were issued to Vietnamese citizens (€4.8 million). In the first three months of 2018 24 visas were issued to South African citizens (€13.5 million) and 16 to Russians (€10.8 million). Overall investment fell 33% in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018, to €196.8 million.

Source: Essential Business
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