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Portugal Homes directors make the news and are now traveling to meet with investors!

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 12 April, 2019 • Last updated on 12 April, 2019

By Portugal Homes

Portugal Homes directors make the news and are now traveling to meet with investors!

Portugal Homes travels the world in April, July, August and September of 2019, providing private meetings and seminars with investors interested in the Portuguese Real Estate market’s opportunities.

Portugal Homes will travel the world in 2019, after the huge success of last year’s tour where the company visited countries like Dubai, China, South Korea and Vietnam, where David Poston, co-founder of Portugal Homes and Andreia Leite, Business Development Director, even made the local news with their appearance in a Vietnamese seminar about the Portuguese Golden Visa.

Gary Harland, Portugal Homes Co-Founder and Veronica Rosa, Operations Director, make the other half of the Portugal Homes team that will travel around the world organizing Private Meetings in which the interested attendees will be able to grasp the reality of real estate investments in Portugal.

These private meetings will start in Moscow, on April 15th 2019, and have the purpose of clarifying doubts that the attendees may have on the Portuguese Real Estate market and demonstrate the commitment that Portugal Homes has to offer to its clients when they make the decision to invest in Portugal through the company. If you’re interested in attending one of the meetings, please book your meeting here.


Verónica and Andreia made the news in Portugal recently

Pontos de Vista Magazine spoke with Andreia Leite, Business Development Director, Verónica Rosa, Operations Director and with Mariana Lemos Vieira, After Sales Director, three women who take on the face of the brand, among others, who perpetuate a feminine "stamp" to the organic and dynamic of Portugal Homes.

Andreia highlighted that Portugal Homes has no fear to innovate and to try different approaches. “Innovation and differentiation are the keywords. We innovate in the way we capture our customers and throughout the procedure to bring them to Portugal. We are endowed with an active attitude when travelling the world to meet with our clients one by one in their country of origin. The goal is to create a trusting relationship from the 1st minute in a family environment to clients.

Veronica also voiced her opinion on what differentiates Portugal Homes as a company and also projected the company’s future. “In a word, revolutionize. Ideas are there and some are already being put into practice successfully, as is the example of our After Sales department and the Market Analysis department, others are still on paper, so to speak. But you can always expect the best from Portugal Homes, a consolidated company and a reference not only in the real estate sector but in the business world in general.

Read the full interview with our directors, in English, here.

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About Portugal Homes specializes in selling Holiday Homes and Investment Properties. We help buyers find the right property overseas whether it be for Golden VisaNHR, Investment or simply a place in the sun, our properties are selected with great thought in mind to give our clients the best opportunities, we offer the complete service from Introducing them to Legal RepresentativesCurrency ExchangeMortgage AdvisorsProperty ManagementRental and Furniture Packages along with making sure all our staff are trained to fully understand the buying process and taxes for every scenario, we provide the complete service to anyone looking to buy a new or resale property overseas for holiday use or as a short or long-term investment.

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