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Graffiti in Lisbon, did you know?

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 22 February, 2018 • Last updated on 22 February, 2018

By Portugal Homes

Graffiti in Lisbon, did you know?

You know how we say that Rome is an open air museum? Well, no one ever said that to Lisbon, I know, but bear with me. 

Couldn't we say that Lisbon is an open-air graffiti museum? Ok, just said it. 

If you take a closer look you will find lots of buildings all over the city centre with amazing graffiti art. 
From beautiful pieces to political messages, and also pieces reminding us of our history. 

If you’ve been in Lisbon, quite a few times, and don’t remember seeing it, don’t blame yourself. 
Next time you will definitely have a closer look.

In Mouraria you will find a few graffiti describing what fado music is all about:


Graffiti in Mouraria.

You can also find, just fun stuff down on Bairro Alto:


Graffiti in Bairro Alto.


Or appreciate Bordalo II’s work, made with garbage material:


Raccoon graffiti in Lisbon.


Or Vhils work as well, he works mainly with explosives but this piece in particular honours Amália Rodrigues:


Pavement art to honour Amália Rodrigues.


Or you can even see a more modern approach: 


Breaking Bad mural.

Mariana Vieira
After Sales Manager
Portugal Homes



World War II spies used to gather in Lisbon

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