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Portugal Homes Coming to Visit the United Kingdom

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 07 March, 2024 • Last updated on 21 May, 2024

By Portugal Homes

Portugal Homes Coming to Visit the United Kingdom

Portugal Homes prides itself on being more than just a Real Estate & Residency by Investment advisory company. Our aim goes beyond simply selling a product or service and moving on to the next client. 

Portugal Homes: What Sets Us Apart

We firmly believe that forging connections and establishing relationships is at the core of our success. Following that philosophy, we travel the world to meet potential partners in person and face-to-face in their countries and hometowns. This practice of placing the client first and foremost has been one of many Portugal Homes’ standout characteristics. A culture that has been incentivised and nurtured by our CEOs and Founders David Poston & Gary Harland since the company’s inception. The prime example is our After Sales department, a team entirely dedicated to ensuring clients have a smooth and effortless experience after the deal has been concluded.

Portugal Homes: June Private Consultations

Portugal Homes started off the year with a visit to Japan to meet with longstanding partners. We continued the momentum going into April and May by visiting 5 countries over the span of a few weeks: Egypt, Türkiye, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. Now, during the month of June, Portugal Homes is going full steam ahead and is coming to visit multiple cities in the United Kingdom.

Our Investment Advisory team will be coming to directly meet with you to present our exclusive Residency by Investment opportunities with our Portugal D2 Visa and Portugal Golden Visa solutions – which grant you benefits like Residency in one of the safest countries in the world, visa-free travel through 29 European Countries in the Schengen Area, and a fast-track to Portuguese & EU Citizenship – which allow for family reunification.

Do not miss this incredible opportunity! Our availability is limited. Get in touch with us and book your Private Consultation with Portugal Homes!

Portugal Homes is proud to have been a pioneer in the Portugal Golden Visa and D2 Visa landscape, successfully guiding thousands of investors to their perfect Property & Residency in Portugal.


What are the Portugal Homes Private Consultations?

Our exclusive private consultations encompass discussions on the Portugal Golden Visa and the D2 Visa. We also provide guidance on purchasing real estate in Portugal and all the standard and formal procedures for investing in the country. All our private consultations are complimentary, meaning they are completely free of charge. However, we recommend booking a time slot in advance, as we have limited availability in each country we visit. We provide a complete Guide through the application process for the Residency in Portugal, including:

  • Consultation on the Portugal Golden Visa programme;
  • Guidance on the Portugal D2 Visa programme, featuring exclusive Investment Options;
  • Showcasing the finest properties in Portugal;
  • Post-purchase services with our After Sales team, encompassing Property Management, Tax Representation, and Furniture Support.

Our Advisory team will travel to several cities in the United Kingdom. To find out more locations, venues, times, and dates, please fill out our query forms, and one of our representatives will contact you with more details. 


Portugal Homes is part of the Harland & Poston Group, a privately-owned conglomerate encompassed by businesses focused on Real Estate Brokerage, Investment & Visas consulting, Property Management, Project Development & Construction, and Travel.

Read more:
Moving to Portugal from the United Kingdom


The Harland & Poston Group Starts 2024 with International Private Meetings

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