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Return of flights from China to Portugal

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 07 June, 2022 • Last updated on 07 June, 2022

By Portugal Homes

Return of flights from China to Portugal

It is official that as of June 11th, 2022, air travel will be available, with one flight per week, after almost a six month suspension period due to a COVID-19 pandemic outbreak back on December 25 of 2021, where China had to suspend all flights immediately in order to maintain the Zero Cases of COVID-19.

Plane taking off.

At this time only Beijing Capital Airlines is confirmed as the one airline featuring connecting flights between Portugal and East Asia. Authorities in the city of Xian, in the Shaanxi Province as of January 23 had enforced a strict shutdown of connecting flights internationally, and maintained only domestic flights. 

This is incredible news to Chinese citizens who have been on a weeks-long lockdown, and have recently, as of 2 days ago at midnight; been able to leave their homes to wander the streets, bike riding, go shopping, and celebrate the feeling of “getting back to normal life”.

This is also great news to the tourism industry in Portugal, bringing back additional tourism from Chinese citizens that are looking to embark on their first travels this summer, and indulging in the Portuguese climate, culture and culinary delights.

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