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Longest Train Ride: From Portugal to Singapore

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 17 February, 2022 • Last updated on 17 February, 2022

By Portugal Homes

Longest Train Ride: From Portugal to Singapore


Take part on the longest train ride of the world, a route from Portugal to Singapore, with over 18, 755 km (11,654 miles), and 21 days of journey time to meet the terminus station in the sovereign island of the Republic of Singapore. It may be an unconventional form of travel, but why travel by air when you can enjoy the numerous views this long journey has to offer!

The longest train ride of the world - a route from Portugal to Singapore.


Your journey will begin in the beautiful city of Lagos, situated at the mouth of the Bensafrim River, and along the Atlantic Ocean, in the Algarve region of Portugal. At the Lagos train station you will embark on the longest train journey through 13 different countries, 11 route stops, and maybe a few overnights stays of your choice on one of the stops along the way. 

The train route from Portugal to Singapore on the map.

This map is a hypothetical map tracing by a Reddit user, describing the train route that would travel through the 13 different countries, which is recently made possible due to the most recent train line in Laos that passes through Kunming, China to Vientiane, the capital city of Laos. The opening of this rail network was made to be an incentive to further build the economy of Laos, and in turn, provide an opportunity to further connect Europe to Asia. 

Cities on the route of the longest train ride.

Keep in mind that overnight stops will be an essential part of the journey, which will factor time to process via documentation, seat selection during your train connections, especially in case of the train routes between Vietnam - Cambodia, and Malaysia - Singapore that will require travellers to catch a bus to connect to the following train station to continue the journey. The overall cost for the train trip will be roughly Є1186.65 ($1350.00 US Dollar), sounds like a steep train ticket but if you think about it, you will gain a different perspective through this journey that might not have been able to if you were to fly by plane. Not to mention the lower environmental emissions of taking this adventurous train ride, emitting only 0.08 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, versus the 1.67 tonnes from a direct one-flight from Lisbon to Singapore.

At this time due to the pandemic, there are travel restrictions within Paris-Moscow, and Moscow to Beijing, which mean we may have to plan a future 21-day vacation to fully experience this unique train ride!

Source: Euronews

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