Secure your private meeting is Brilliantly Safe!

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 24 January, 2022 • Last updated on 24 January, 2022

By Portugal Homes is Brilliantly Safe!

Portugal Homes’ website has recently been distinguished as “Brilliantly Safe” by, a web-browsing gateway safety services provider that analyses several websites from the point of view of its content and links safety. is a free safe linking and user-protection service providing an augmented web-browsing experience gateway for regular users and customers. protects users from many potential threats on the Web, like phishing, malware, or unsolicited adult content. This award is an aggregated verdict based on the popular/trusted public ratings, user reviews, and comparison to other websites in the same category in’s directory, which deemed as a perfectly safe and trusted website!




We work for these results

One of the objectives of our Marketing team here at Portugal Homes is and always has been to create highly curated content to better inform our visitors about every aspect related to investing, purchasing real estate, moving to and living in Portugal.

Portugal Homes’ internal content team’s extensive knowledge of the country, its most sought for beauties but also the local and typical experiences, combined with the Portugal Homes team’s expertise in the Real Estate market and investing in Portugal all contribute to making the basis upon which we are able to build very clear and highly informative articles for our readers and potential clients. 

This approach to our company’s content building has awarded us the recognition and trust we aim for, not only from our audience and clients but also from the International Property Awards that have awarded the Portugal Homes website several times the highest-ranking 5 Star distinction.

Find the detailed results from the web audit conducted by that lead to this amazing result below.

Digital marketing team of Portugal Homes.
Digital Marketing Team

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Overall Safety Report

The badge assures our users that is 100% free of toxic links with a 5/5 score. Furthermore, also shows top scores in other parameters such as 97% “Perfectly Trusted” for providing visitors with a great user experience and high-quality content, 92% in “Superior personal data protection” for handling sensitive information of its users according to the highest standards of user privacy and 92% in “Totally safe for minors” for being a family-friendly resource and containing no foul language, adult-oriented material, or other disturbing content.

Trust and Credibility Analysis features a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, which is one of the key elements for scoring a 95% on the website’s “Trust-o-meter” board. Equally important, it is reported that is 100% free of Malicious content with no signs of Malware, no signs of Phishing attempts, no signs of Scam attempts nor Spam content.

Privacy and Child-Safety’s Privacy-o-meter scored our website with a 94% mark in terms of privacy and data safety. Additionally, the website deemed our content completely safe for minors with a 95% score in this department, with no adult-oriented content, no copyright infringements, no references to gambling nor mentions of prohibited substances were found.

More articles about our team, investing and life in Portugal:

2021: Portugal Homes, End of Year Report

Investing in Developments at the heart of Lisbon

Lisbon and the Forgotten Hill

Your Guide to Portuguese Sweets and Pastries

This award is one more example of our company’s value and the effort we put in every day to satisfy the needs of our website’s audience and our esteemed partners and clients. It is not unusual to have clients referring back to articles on our website when talking to our Property Advisors and Investment Advisors, which motivates us to continue producing great content that can help investors worldwide minimize their doubts and concerns about moving to Portugal or investing in this amazing country.


Portugal is The Best Place to Retire

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