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Portugal Homes Christmas Celebration

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 14 December, 2021 • Last updated on 14 December, 2021

By Portugal Homes

Portugal Homes Christmas Celebration

Year-End-Wrap-Up Party  

Another year has come and gone, despite the challenges the world faces during the Covid-19 pandemic, along with business, and investment changes implemented - the spirits at Portugal Homes - part of Harland & Poston Group remain optimistic for many years to come. 
Portugal Homes Christmas Celebration

We at Portugal Homes proved to remain united, resilient and able to overcome the obstacles presented to us; we would like to thank our avid investors throughout the world who placed their trust and confidence in our dedicated, and hardworking team. Portugal Homes co-founders, David Poston and Gary Harland are extremely pleased with the results of their team, and hold high regards for all the efforts put forth during this tough year. 

As a thank you to their employees in the Lisbon and Algarve agencies, a major bash was put together at the Hotel Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Spa in Albufeira, Algarve. The Hotel Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Spa is utterly beautiful, set in Santa Eulália beach, surrounded by palm trees, greenery, and tan-washed buildings with four luxurious pools. A visit to Santa Eulália beach is a must, whether it be during the hot summer months or in the winter, the Algarve is blessed with great weather - sunshine galore!

Learn more about the Algarve region, here.

Portugal Homes gathering.


Our Portugal Homes team met to share plenty of smiles, and warm conversations over the weekend, conversing on important business matters and strategies for the new year; celebrating our annual review of property investments, and our phenomenal win at the International Property Awards, a total achievement of a 5-Star European Property Award for two categories. The International Property Awards celebrates the highest level of achievement in residential and commercial property real estate professionals from around the globe. 

Proudly featuring the 2021-2022 award to Portugal Homes for “The Best Real Estate Single Office in Portugal” and “The Best Real Estate Website", the highest category honoured in the EU region!

Consequently, winning the category “The Best Real Estate Website” for four consecutive years, and three years for “Best Real Estate Single Office in Portugal”. Our goal at Portugal Homes is to be even more successful in the new year for 2022; we are dedicated to always raising the bar, and further challenging ourselves in the Property Investment & Real Estate Industry. 

International Property Awards won by Portugal Homes.

Read More:

Summer team bonding weekend to celebrate Portugal Homes’ success

Team dynamics, the key to Portugal Homes success

Portugal Homes team bonding and weekend getaway

In celebration of our grand achievements, the staff indulged in a four course fine dining experience at Le Club, a restaurant & bar situated within the hotel, enjoying each other's company, overlooking the beautiful scenery - and not to mention the plenty of dancing involved by the DJ booth that lasted till the wee hours of the night!  Our Portugal Homes team overall had an absolute blast, needless to say that we had an amazing Christmas celebration, and an amazing year-end-wrap-up - and the proof is in the pudding -  aka. pictures! 

Portugal Homes Christmas Celebration


Portugal Homes Christmas Celebration

On a final note, we once again sincerely wish all our valuable clients, partners and dedicated staff part of the Harland & Poston Group -  many wishes of prosperity, happiness, and most importantly, health for the upcoming holidays, and may 2022 be an astounding year for us all!

Portugal Homes is a part of Harland & Poston company.

Get to Know the Team:

Employee Talks with Sérgio Gomes | Property Management

Employee Talks with Luísa Macedo | Real Estate Manager

Employee Talks with Deirdre Miller | Property Advisor


Your Guide to Portuguese Sweets and Pastries

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