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Lisbon among the 10 most attractive cities for real estate investments

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 18 May, 2021 • Last updated on 18 May, 2021

By Portugal Homes

Lisbon among the 10 most attractive cities for real estate investments

Portugal continues one of the top trends for the real estate market in 2021!

This year’s top of the rank is London, followed by Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam. With these 4 EU cities in the top 10 of investors' favourites, Germany should lead the recovery of investment in Europe.

According to an Investor Intentions Survey, 60% of European investors plan to invest more in real estate this year than last year, whereas in the UK, data shows that more than 80% want to invest more capital. Although the difference is evident in the various countries, almost 75% of investors also indicated that they intend to buy 10% or more this year.

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Despite the slowdown in investments caused by the pandemic and consequent restrictions in the countries, there is still a high interest in the Portuguese real estate market. In the expectation that vaccination plans will remain within the defined timetable, it is predicted that in 2021 European investment volumes will increase by up to 5% compared to last year.

Commercial property was highlighted as investors’ favourite asset, despite the increase of remote working. 35% of them showed a positive market feeling towards the future of these assets, namely those of higher quality. 

At the top of the list, the housing market also holds up 24% of investment intentions, followed by the industrial and logistics sectors, with 22%. Prices in these sectors are expected to show greater resilience, as opposed to hotels, retail, or lower quality offices.

Venture capital has also been seeing a significant rise over the last year as it’s also a sustainable option to acquire Portuguese citizenship. Learn more about choosing the best investment fund for Portugal Golden Visa here.

What’s more, Golden Visa’s performance has also been on the positive side of the spectrum, as it remained unaffected despite the restrictions, and only in 2020, the total of real estate investing amounted to €647 million, a slight reduction from €742 million raised in 2019 but still enabling Portugal to have a statistically normal year.

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