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Lisbon is the European Capital of Sport 2021

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 29 December, 2020 • Last updated on 29 December, 2020

By Portugal Homes

Lisbon is the European Capital of Sport 2021

20 days before the start of a new stage in the life of the city, Lisbon received a silver flag and plaque, symbols of the European Capital of Sport 2021

This was a moment that reaffirmed the city as a European landmark towards a more active and healthy life.

The ceremony brought together several European cities in a call via Zoom, and Fernando Medina thanked the trust placed in Lisbon, highlighting the various sports and outdoor spaces in the city, great for practicing sports. He assured that in 2021 "we will make Lisboa a European Sport Capital that we will all be proud of".

In this sense, Lisbon was elected to conceive a year of physical activity and sports, and will certainly do so with all the commitment and dedication. More infrastructures, more green spaces, more inclusion, more events, more athletes, more people doing physical exercise - there are many reasons that will elevate the name of the Portuguese capital and Portugal, already identified abroad as a country of sports merit. Examples of this are the achievements of so many Portuguese athletes, the international brands of national teams and clubs, the prestigious organization of sporting events that the country has staged.

The Lisbon City Hall is expected to invest 26 million euros for the development of sports and leisure in the city.

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