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Portugal provides health and travel insurance to tourists

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 10 August, 2020 • Last updated on 10 August, 2020

By Portugal Homes

Portugal provides health and travel insurance to tourists

Tourists who live abroad and are planning to visit Portugal with or without their family, are now able to have their Health Passport extended, and are also able to apply for the Portugal Travel Insurance, which is a document adapted to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Health Passport

The Health Passport project is aimed at all foreign citizens who visit the country and who need health care, either in an emergency or on a scheduled basis. The initiative, launched in 2019 primarily for British visitors and now extended to all nationalities, is being held by Turismo de Portugal.

The passport ensures the possibility of testing for the COVID-19 and allows immediate access to high-quality healthcare services in private units, at fixed prices.

If you wish to benefit from these and get more information, register through this link and present your passport at one of the participating hospitals.

Portugal Health Passport

In tandem with Turismo de Portugal, the organization supporting this project defends the added value of the passport in revitalizing the tourism sector and the importance of health as a vector for the Turismo 2027 strategy, which can reflect into an annual turnover of more than €100 million, increasing country visits.

With the passport, visitors can also have access to five check-up packages (with exam results available in 2 to 4 days), in the areas of General Practice, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Dentistry.

Travel Insurance

Also being supported by TP, this document enables tourists to adapt to the current worldwide situation. It can extend to the entire country and covers “medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and hospital expenses associated with COVID-19, as well as expenses for cancellation, interruption or extension of the trip”, also related to the pandemic. The goal is to ensure everyone can travel around the country safely and with confidence.

You can apply for it here.

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