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Portugal Homes numbers on the rise

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 12 February, 2020 • Last updated on 12 February, 2020

By Portugal Homes

Portugal Homes numbers on the rise

2019 was a year of massive growth for Portugal Homes!

Not only for our teams but for the partners who build their business with us. We share with you our most important achievements, ever since the company started its journey:


We held more than 2000 private meetings across 22 different cities, to show our commitment and seriousness to our clients and partners, as well as educate interested investors about the Portuguese real estate market;

We had €73 million of Real Estate transaction volume; 

We have reached over 28 different nationalities, from 30 different countries worldwide; See here how we reach our global clientele.

We closed over 160 deals, of which many clients resorted to the After Sales Department to have their investments taken care of while they were away;

Our staff grew from only 18 to more than 30 people!; 

We won 3 international awards, from the International Property Awards;

Portugal Homes competed against some of the best property professionals across Europe, so we are delighted that our achievements and visions were recognized internationally;

We partnered up with more than 50 other companies worldwide to create an ecosystem that supports our services;

We published 151 articles on the website, from which we had 733.185 total users and 13.180 active clients;

We made business with partners worth €1 million;

We are owners of one property development;

We established two offices in Portugal (Lisbon and Algarve) and opened our first international office in Hong Kong.


In 2020, we are excited to deepen our knowledge, establish more partnerships, travel to more countries and add much more to our company! We look forward to working with our partners and clients and keep the numbers rising!


Seeking professional guidance when applying to Portugal Golden Visa

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