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How many square meters of property do Residence Programmes buy you in Europe?

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 03 December, 2019 • Last updated on 03 December, 2019

By Portugal Homes

How many square meters of property do Residence Programmes buy you in Europe?

Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Latvia’s Residence by Investment programmes are based on real-estate investment, ranging from 250.000€ to 500.000€ 

To make the comparison simple and equal for all countries, the numbers were based on the following factors:

Properties are located in the central areas of the country’s capital, with the exception of Cyprus, where Limassol is the point of reference;

The investment does not involve special options such as those available in Portugal where lower minimums are permissible in less developed regions or for refurbishment.

Malta’s RVP is not included because a real estate investment alone does not qualify the applicant for a residence permit.


Based on the factors above mentioned, and dividing the minimum investment amounts by average sq.m prices, we find that an applicant investing the minimum in a centrally located property can afford the following property sizes:

Estimate the cost of your Portugal Golden Visa Investment here.

In this sense, spending the minimum amount on Residence by Investment, an investor would get a 53% bigger apartment in Athens than he would in Madrid, considering that Greece’s required minimum (250k) is half that of Spain (500k).

The difference becomes significant when we adjust for differences in minimum requirements. If all five programmes had the same minimum (500k) the number of sq.m obtained would be the ones displayed on the second column chart.


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