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Portugal “Brelcomes” you, with or without Brexit

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 07 November, 2019 • Last updated on 07 November, 2019

By Portugal Homes

Portugal “Brelcomes” you, with or without Brexit

Brexit deal has been rescheduled for the third time, now for 31st January 2020 unless the Withdrawal Agreement can be ratified before then. Given the continued possibility of a no-deal crash out, individuals are taking steps to protect their own positions. 


To encourage British tourists to continue visiting the country, Turismo de Portugal launched the 'Brelcome' campaign, a pun between 'Brexit' and the word 'welcome', as a contingency plan to minimize the economic impact of United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union.

In addition to an online hotline available on the Visit Portugal portal, British tourists will benefit visa-free travel, dedicated airport corridors, health insurance and recognition of their driving license.

The goal is "to try to settle the British by saying that Portugal is still here, no matter what, with open arms," said the secretary of state.


So, with Brexit deal uncertainty, it's hard to tell how the Portugal NHR system can change for British residents, but those who are thinking of moving to Portugal can do so through the Portugal NHR scheme, which allows applicants to benefit tax-free conditions. Learn more about the tax exemption and Relocating to Portugal after Brexit deal here.

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Since 2015, the number of UK residents in Portugal has grown, as have annual migration flows. That year, residence permits were granted to 17 230 Britons. In 2016, after the referendum, UK residents in Portugal increased by 12.8%, and the growing trend persisted, marking 22 431 in 2017, and over 26 500 in 2018.


If you’re looking to relocate to Portugal the Portugal NHR might be your best option, as you can have several tax benefits, besides the wonderful sunny weather! 

If you’re looking for a nice place to live or spend your stay in Portugal, we can also help you find a house or property here.

Portugal “Brelcomes” you, with or without Brexit

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